Monday, November 16, 2009

Laundry Day!

This week my goal is to get completely caught up on laundry. I would say clothing, in general, is my biggest 'issue' in this house. First, I can never stay on top of it so its constantly overflowing. Second, when I do get anywhere close to being caught up there is no where to put everything! Derek and I are sharing 2 child size dressers with Owen and Audrey. That in itself is a recipe for disaster. Elisa and Ava have a dresser in their room that they share as well. But, in all honesty, the could each use a smaller one of their own. So, finding places for all this clean laundry is a task in itself! Also, we do not have enough closet space to hang a wardrobe X's 6 anywhere in this house.
Once we get a new master bedroom added on (which would have been lovely if it had been by now) we'll invest in a dresser for just Derek and me. We are also planning on making a HUGE closet in our room. Possibly a 'family' closet so everything goes to one place. That would be wonderful.
In the meantime, I have to figure out what to do with it all right now!
So far this morning I have 1 load folded, with help of my 2 big girls. Two are waiting to be folded. One is washing and 1 is drying. I have about 10 to go. Yeah, dont judge me :) Wish me luck!

While writing this I cant figure out what the rule of thumb would be on writing out numbers vs using digits. I know that you're supposed to stick with one method but starting out a sentence using a digit doesn't seem to be the proper way either. Thats why I mixed us the words and the digits at the end. Anyone want to correct me??

Friday, November 13, 2009

Look what I can do!

At 3 months 2 weeks, to the day, look what Mr. Owen can do! We were sitting in the nursery this morning at our homeschool co-op and I sat him up and realized he could do it on his own! I didnt have my camera then so I took these pictures once we got home. Dont mind the naked bum...he was airing out. :) All 3 girls sat up early too. Oddly enough, each of them at 3 months 3 weeks. Guess Owen had to show them up ;)

One of my favorite baby stages is when they start grabbing their toes! Owen has been doing this for a couple weeks now. He hasnt started putting them in his mouth yet...I think thats a pretty cute too!

4 cute kiddos!

*Disclaimer: most babies dont sit up at 3 months. For whatever reason my kids all have. I always hesitate to share when my kids do something earlier then most other babies their ages. Out of fear of someone thinking Im "bragging" but mostly because I would hate to make someone else, with a baby the same age as mine, feel bad because mine is doing something theirs isnt yet. All babies are different. There have been different times over the past 8 years that my kids havent been doing something someone elses kiddo has. I always remind myself 'all babies are different and do things on different timelines.' Just wanted to throw that out there!